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Palmer tower lu again seek fireworks set off funds Time:2012-04-16 17:10:00
Previous article:America Morgan Hill put the fireworks at Community Park
Next article:After the fireworks party came to an end,Contradiction between North Korea and South Korea excitation Palmer tower lu every year high-profile fireworks party have now raised $19500 in contributions, but the data on April 19, the handover ceremony, there must be improved.
Fireworks display since 2007, has made almost completely of donation, so far, palmer tower lu horse base tile, club donated 5000 yuan, Mr Friedman domestic outfit 2500 us dollars, and foreign exchange bank $1000, and some smaller donation.
Normally, the fireworks are to cost about $50000, but this budget is 44000 yuan. Basic operating costs, including the use of the pay, insurance, securities, permission and charge. Disc jockey club may replace the past few years the band.
However, the fireworks display, like plug gas holder wave base tile nice club organization groups and the conversation, this club has held 33 years of firework displays. It charge admission fee is for an adult and $8 4 yuan children, most of this offset the cost.
But now in the face of the fireworks display fund shortage problem, palmer tower lu city once again have to funding.
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